Monday, February 25, 2008

Gainesville, FL Engagement Portraits - so i'm finally finished and my website-maker is giving me problems...

so to stave your photo hunger, here are some more favorites!! and even some color. ;-)

I really got into the whole silhouette thing didn't I?

and this next one is my favorite of the moment:

hopefully they will upload! then I'll send you the link, Jess!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gainesville, FL Engagement Portraits - today's favorites

I keep liking them in black and white, I don't know what to tell you. Anyway, so you know how we were trying to catch something serious, and WAH LAH! here we go.

are those some gorgeous eyes or what?

can i get an "awwwhh!" ?

Zak got a little sassy here, and we like, no?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Gainesville, FL Engagement Portraits - they just keep on coming...

sure, the professional thing to do is to wait and post all at once, but since i'm now working a full time job, i can no longer dedicate a whole day to photo editing. so, from today's efforts we've got these favorite images...

enter zz top.....

i guess i was in a black and white mood today, but rest assured we've got lots of color and fadedness, sepia, and boldness. ;-)

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Gainesville, FL Engagement Portraits - another favorite

Here we are outside Rue Bar still, attempting to be serious, but it's hard to catch Jessica not smiling around Zak!

This is my favorite building in Gainesville, I think they liked it too...

Gainesville, FL Engagement Portraits - Jessica & Zak, I already have a favorite ;-)

Today was quite fun as Jessica, Zak, & I made our way south down Main Street in downtown Gainesville. This was at our first stop at one of the local clubs. I never knew it had such pretty qualities, even stained glass windows. Anywho, this is my first official "favorite" photo from today.

Stay tuned for more.
