Heather's water broke at about 4:30am yesterday morning. She was having contractions all day yesterday and after I got off from work and had gotten some dinner & a minute with David, I stopped by the hospital. Despite all Heather's contractions, there wasn't much progress in dilation. I went home to get some sleep & told them I'd come back when it got closer. I got a call this morning about 4:25am that she was at 10cm and would be starting to push soon! I got up, grabbed a Dew and a CLIF bar and headed to the hospital. I got there in plenty of time to watch Heather & Justin welcome their baby girl into the "outside". :-) They haven't settled on a name just yet, but we've all settled on the fact that she's here and is a keeper for sure. Here are a few shots of the sweet girl!

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