More of Autumn & Adam's awesome outdoor wedding! It's reception time!
The bridal party hung out and wet their whistles with some Old Chub from Oskar Blues in Lyons, CO. David and I have been there! *
drool colorado*

every guest got an adorable crocheted flower favor PLUS chocolate covered espresso beans. yum!

that's a man who knows how to dip his woman.

there were SO many adorable children at this wedding.

breakin' it down, married style. what!

this photo was taken with available light by David at the same time I took a photo of something else with the flash. This is what we got. I don't think we could do that again if we tried. hmm...

after a while, the dancing queen arrived and entertained us until she passed the boa on to the bride, who wore it fabulously and delighted her nephew.

thriller. last laugh. nuff said.

Pumpkin cheesecake made by mom of the bride. beautiful & so well cut A&A... I must say. ;-)

Isn't his taste to die for? TCO! (that's
total cuteness overload for those of you who aren't in the know)

and that's that! hope you enjoyed & hit me up with your comments!
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