Monday, November 23, 2009

Second Shooting - Gainesville FL Wedding Photography

A few times this year I've gotten the opportunity to assist/second shoot with a couple of great photographers, Karlin Connell and Mary Beth Tyson. Besides being awesome photographers with FABULOUS brides, they're pretty fun to work with and learn from. So here's a few of the photos I've caught while working with Karlin a couple of weeks back in Indiantown.

This kid was focused on me the whole way walking towards the aisle!

I love Florida outdoor weddings! So much life and light!

Karlin got an AMAZING shot of this scene (on her blog), so I put my spin on it from one side. The horses were so pretty, but later one tried to lick my head (without permission).

These two were really enjoying their day and I was glad to be a small part of it.

Karlin was absolutely thrilled to have her picture taken. I'm sure she'll post a flattering pic of me at some point in retaliation now... :)

This guy was my kinda people. Just sayin...he rocked the party!

Anyhow, I loved working with those two and look forward to more collaborations in 2010!


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