Yahoo! So, we're making headway in the editing, and couldn't wait to share some gorgeous photos from Autumn & Adam's wedding held at Autumn's family home in Interlachen, FL. They had wonderful help from precious family and friends with an amazing eye for detail, creativity, and how to make people feel at home.
first, here is a pic of the table decor in progress. check out the hearted pumpkin and the crocheted flowers. how flippin' sweet is that?

magnolias are so fuzzy and soft - love the "budding" symbolism too.

Autumn's family is so.... family! This image embodies how they feel to me.

First looks are for lovers.

Paxico Via Mexico did the music and boy was it something. i felt right at home with their lilting tunes.

David grabbed this as Autumn whooshed by in all her glory on the arms of her mom and dad.

have you ever seen a bride so happy to see her man?

This is one of my favorite images. it just looks like she's an angel awash in the glory of God. I'm just sayin'! (David caught this one)

this was SUCH a moving ceremony. the whole bridal party surrounded them and covered them in prayer and blessing during communion.

Do you think their children will have curly hair?

Formals were a blast including light, bling, more light, and quick dashes out of the frame :-)

more to come in Part Two.
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