Just a little note to say we're still here, still very much alive, still very much in business, and still very much wanting to connect with you all! The thing is, this blogging stuff has been on the back burner. I promise it is for a really good reason!
"But I want to see your pretty pictures!!!" Alright already! In lieu of blog posts, we've been keeping our facebook page updated with our latest photographs and work. Please visit!!
And here's one to hold you til you can clickity click your way over. Shanna and her BROseph.

There's also been much ado at jc{P} in the last six months and we're excited to be doing some unveiling soon. Keep your eye out for jc{P} updates, new products, new services, maybe a promotion, did someone say, "moving sale"?
Just make sure you put your eye back in, k? Oh and wash your hands first.
Classic ^_^