finally someone took me up on my Christmas Special! Check out this CUTE family!!
Lauren & I work together and she has been the greatest blessing to me ever since I started working in Gainesville. She is so much fun and so is her hubby Jarad. It's nice to have someone so wonderfully silly and expressive around.
We had fun times rasslin' the dawg to cooperate. Kitty wasn't very happy either, but he did his best.
Here's the finished product after we finally got them in place and I made a weird noise.
Heather's water broke at about 4:30am yesterday morning. She was having contractions all day yesterday and after I got off from work and had gotten some dinner & a minute with David, I stopped by the hospital. Despite all Heather's contractions, there wasn't much progress in dilation. I went home to get some sleep & told them I'd come back when it got closer. I got a call this morning about 4:25am that she was at 10cm and would be starting to push soon! I got up, grabbed a Dew and a CLIF bar and headed to the hospital. I got there in plenty of time to watch Heather & Justin welcome their baby girl into the "outside". :-) They haven't settled on a name just yet, but we've all settled on the fact that she's here and is a keeper for sure. Here are a few shots of the sweet girl!
The last several years, David and I have been lucky enough to be included in UF Football Tailgating with the Ezell's and the Presser's. They always make us feel at home and many a time brought us along to the game when we didn't have tickets. Here are some family photos of the bunch. :-)
Pam & Jon are also great friends of David & I and I am super excited to share these photos of the maternity family shoot. PJ were so fun to work with of course because they're awesome and you can totally see it in the fo toes. :-)
So I got to post about one best friend's wedding... and now a post about another best friend's baby! Heather & Justin are expecting sometime around the 2nd of October, which is in like - A WEEK! So, before the little gift comes, we needed to get a few shots of her all wrapped up. Here are a few of Heather, Justin, & Baby Girl Dicus, or maybe I will call her BGD. Fun game... see how many cool names you can come up with for BGD.
Bernadette Gertrude Dicus is NOT cool. So keep thinking.
so this isn't belly-ful, but I think they're cute!
david (husband) and i decided we needed an "us" thing to do on a regular basis. here is the first of our series of weekly self-portraits. might add a few more later, so check back.
Soooo, we just got back from Colorado and are totally pooped! Nevertheless, the instant editing frenzy bug caught me and I couldn't help but play with some of the photos! Here are some pics to tease!
Also, it should be noted that David deserves the credit for almost every one of these shots!
Love, Jemma
p.s. if you right-click and choose view image, you'll see the full size & it won't look as pixel-y. I have to figure that out...
So we went down to Ft. Pierce for Labor Dabor Weekend & got to meet with Clinton & Fish to show them the final album designs and our wedding album as well, which is the same kind we're getting for our clients now. We are soooo excited to make it for them! Whee!
It turned out Felicia felt sick as a dog so we weren't able to do her photoshoot in her weddin' dressin's. Naturally I was a teensy bit bummed, but lo and behold Kasey Rene Coleman loves me and came to my rescue. She put on her Senior Prom Poufer Pink Princess Dress, let me fix her hair in sweet curls, sported some converse all-stars, hot blue eyeshadow, and fancy jewelry and we had us some good times!
I also just started playing more in big girl photoshop using some neat tools I found. I'm pretty happy with the results!