Thursday, October 22, 2009

i {spy} - beautiful music - - - Gainesville, FL Wedding Photographer

You know how lots of folks have cool things that they found on other blogs and then a cutesy name for it? I think mine is going to be i {spy}. What do you think? So i {spy} is going to be about whatever I find on teh interwebs that I think is cool and other people would like. Kind of like email forwards, except in your google reader. and much more awesomer. for the sure. ok. enough intentional bad grammar. on to the goods!

Found this via {wreckless girl}, whose photography I kinda dig. Mostly I dig her attitude and the warmth that I feel flowing from her blog posts.

On to the goods again... What a beautiful song. The music is lovely. The video is fabulous. I too, am very inspired by stillmotion. These words from girl, wreckless.

"Here is a new invoking and inspiring music video sung by my dear friend Amy (a fellow Vagabonder) and filmed and produced by the amazing Stillmotion, who blows me away every time. Amy Seeley WebsiteAmy on Vagabond BondAmy's recent album Eight Belles on iTunes (the same album whence came this video's song)"

amy seeley // live from her living room from stillmotion on Vimeo.

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