Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mountain Biking in Tsali, NC

So while those of you at the Wedding Expo got to meet Jemma and her lovely assistant Jillian, you missed out on the other half of Jemma Coleman Photography- me! David Coleman. Why would David miss such an awesome opportunity to meet all you lovely brides? Well, turns out I had a trip planned long before the bridal show to go mountain biking in North Carolina with family and friends. It was super rad, if a bit wet and muddy, but gnar was shred (which is a good thing) and memories were made. I snapped a few pics with the little camera during the times when I wasn't muddy or wet (which wasn't often).

Driving 8 hours after a day at work stinks, but I almost wanted to stop and take pics of this sunset from the roadside. Almost.

Four days in the tent. Sore back, but enjoyed the great outdoors with the starry view at night. The Jetta averaged over 36mpg for the trip, which is not bad for having a muddy bike on top of the roof!

The world is thankful Daniel is no longer sporting a mullet, but the stache is pretty…uh….awesomely terrible?

No, this is not an optical illusion: those abs are not from hours in the gym.

Busted lip: In case you’re wondering, no, the handle bar does not taste good. Oh, and this is me, in case you didn't remember me from the get to know us cards at the expo.

Quite the motley crew, but they didn't give me too hard a time for being a Florida fan.

Hated to leave a place as pretty as this, but all good things must come to an end!

Look out for future adventures of david and jemma! When we're not working, we try to do cool stuff.


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